In the Flat to Flat project one of the tasks is also to try to reduce the CO2 emission during the sheet glass waste collection in the Netherlands. Besides of planning the transport carefully with our logistic partner and by transporting the sheet glass waste by truck and by ship so that CO2 reduction during transport can be reduced, VRN looked for other ways to reduce the CO2 emission. A good fill level of the containers will help to reduce the CO2 emission that occurs during transport.
VRN – Container fill level control
In order to improve the container fill level we created a tool that allows us to have a better view on this. Extranet is a private part of our website on which collection points can log in and where they can order to have a container placed or to change their full container for a new one. They can also see here what they have collected in a specific period. We now added an extra to this that allows a collection point to see what their performance is in relation to the filling level of their containers. When a collection points searches for the total of tonnage they have collected in a certain period on the list there will appear after each transport and container a smiley. A green smiley means the level of the container is good, an orange smiley means it is not bad but can be still improved and a red smiley means filling level of container is too low and we request that actions to improve this will be taken. VRN will also visit the companies that have red smileys in order to discuss what they can do to improve their fill grade of containers.
Another way to achieve more collected sheet glass is to make people aware of how many CO2 reduction you can achieve by collecting sheet glass waste. Therefor and in line with the Flat to Flat project the following items were developed by VRN.
VRN – CO2 Barometer
VRN has ordered TNO to make a study and elaborate an LCA study for the sheet glass waste collection system of VRN in the Netherlands. Based on the results of this LCA study we applied the obtained result in our CO2 barometer on VRN website. Here one can check how many KG of CO2 is reduced through collecting sheet glass waste with the VRN system in the Netherlands . To do one can fill in the collected tons of sheet glass cullet. This is also nice for the collection points of VRN system in the Netherlands so they can see how much CO2 reduction they have achieved by collecting their sheet glass waste. Once again please note that these figures are only valid for sheet glass collected by the VRN system.
VRN – CO2 Certification
Extranet is a private part of the VRN website on which collection points can log in and where they can order to have a container placed or to change their full container for a new one. VRN created the CO2 certification. Collection points can also download on Extranet a certificate with the collected tonnage during a certain period on which is indicated how much CO2 reduction they achieved by doing this. With this a company can show that they support the CO2 reduction with their sheet glass waste management .